PWI Magazine - Q4 2012

President's Editorial

President's welcome

Dear members and friends of PWI,
During the last quarter of 2012 PWI was pleased to offer you 10 events, including a new wave of mentoring.
We have started the year with 2 great events:
- one on conflicts resolution, and more specifically on How Employee’s Frustration Generates Office Conflicts? Presented by Nora Femenia, an international scholar now teaching at the Labor Center, Florida International University, in Miami, Florida, USA.
- a second one was the first of a new concept of workshops  ....[more]
 Q4 2012

Topic of the Edition - Women & Risks

Excellence in extreme sports: three champion ladies

This article includes two interviews:
a. By Alessandra Zocca to Giampiero Genovese
b. By Giampiero Genovese to Ilaria Bonin, Isabelle Gillet and Maria Felicia Carraturo
Giampiero, could you please describe briefly what is apnea diving, including the different discipline types? 
Is apnea diving an Olympic sport? Are there any professional apnea divers? Do you always dive in swimming pools or do you also dive in the sea?
Currently apnea diving or free diving is not an Olympic sport. It used to be in the early ...[more]
 Q4 2012

Lady Justice: the art of leadership in law 

Congratulations, Kellie, you are the first woman prosecutor in your rural area, Lafayette County, Missouri. What did it mean to you this significant achievement?
Thank you. It is exciting to be a small part of history in this way and yet when you think about it, it’s really quite strange that we are still experiencing so many ‘firsts’ for women lawyers 143 years after the first woman was allowed to practice law in the U.S. I wonder what ‘firsts’ will remain to be realized at the 200-year mark! These milestones are significant and each one represents progress in addressing historic injustices. ... [more]

 Q4 2012


The challenge is resolving the gendered dynamics of power

Barbara, what is talent in your opinion?

It is difficult to define; I think talent has a lot to do with “difference”. We are used to defining talent as any natural ability or skill that makes an individual special and gives him or her an original point of view and the power of action in their environment. So, to have talent means, also, to be different from the rest of the group. I also believe that almost everyone has a talent, we just need to find the way to express it. :... [more]

 Q4 2012

Women & Career

The serendipity of transferable skills
Annemieke and Geneviève, how important is - in your opinion - a happy and serene private life to supporting a very demanding career?
It is absolutely true that companies very often put the emphasis on supporting the balance between careers and families, more than on single employees’ work-life balance. 
Having said this, it’s clear that people don’t need to have a family first before starting to think about having a right work-life balance. Having time to relax, to get in contact with like-minded , . ....[more]
 Q4 2012

Labour Market

From story a teller to a story strategist 
Lisa, could you please tell us about the storyteller profession? Is it a profession that can be performed as independent or is it a job also found in a multinational?
Well, for twenty-five years I worked as a professional storyteller, writing and performing original works on the stage, doing one-woman shows and presenting stories orally, through the spoken word. Now I have my own consultancy, helping organizations find and tell their stories . ...[more]
 Q4 2012

Miscellaneous & mails to the editor

Multiculturalism: how women can contribute in developing models of integration
Rita, you have been deeply involved in the topics of integration of different cultures in Europe. What has inspired you and still keeps you intrigued?
Alessandra, I started getting really involved in these topics when, in 2000, I became a member of the “Club Donne d’Europa (Women of Europe)” in Ispra, in the province of Varese (Italy), where I stayed until 2008. In fact our family moved to Ispra when my husband took a position at the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission.
The “Club Donne d’Europa” was created in 1959 in Ispra, with the opening of Euratom ... [more]
 Q4 2012


If you’d like to comment on it, or contribute to the next issue, please get in touch by emailing Alessandra Zocca at

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