PWI YOUR PATH EVENT: DARE to DO! Women & Career Change
From conception to action, from taking initial steps to achieving their dream jobs…how have professional women been successful in their career changes? What processes have they been through?
We all know that career transition is not an easy path…and that is why our speakers, all women who made it through a career change, are here to inspire you with their stories. So, what are you waiting for? Dare to join us for this unique PWI Your Path Event and kick off a new chapter of your career!
In a friendly trusting atmosphere, women from various origins and backgrounds will open their hearts and share the motivations and struggles from their life and career journeys.
Some didn’t know what their destination could be but still embarked on the discovery journey. They all have offered to tell their story and answer our questions about their paths:
Nadia Aime – When she started asking herself questions such as "What do I stand for? What standards do I need to set for myself to achieve my dream?", that’s when Nadia could really start to define her role in this world and she dared to shape her own reality. "It has always been a long journey, but if you dream, have the ambition and want to work hard, then you can achieve possibly anything you put your mind on", she says.
An Bourmanne - To An the real transition she made was not from engineer to coach. The real transition was from being the good girl to the girl who knows who she is and shapes her life around that.
Lenka Grackova – From marketing to logistics to B2B sales to co-founder of a tech-start up. Currently developing training and coaching business.
Mirna Hidalgo - From lawyer to visual artist, dance teacher, creativity coach and most recently designer and cookie entrepreneur
Sandra Lizioli – No journey is a straight line. Most have several stop-overs. Sandra’s is a tale of two stages: from corporate employee to freelance speaker coach, trainer and moderator via a long stop-over as an independent business owner.
Katerina Marmagioli - From business lawyer through volunteering work in Asia and freelance experience on legislative drafting projects to full time jewellery designer, while running in parallel a farming and real estate business.
Christiane Moeschler – From coach & trainer in multinational companies to freelance trainer – It might sound the same but it is totally different.
Isabel Verhelst - As a recruiter, Isabel will be focusing on examples of career changes in the private sector and share examples of her own career change.
This is your chance to ask them all you want, to DARE to DO what they have done, so you can start your own journey!
For example:
· Did you follow an existing call to a destination or a passion? Or did you 'discover' it at some point in your journey?
· What would you recommend to someone who wants to start a journey but doesn't know which destination they are aiming for or even in which direction to go?
And now it’s your turn. What’s the question that’s holding you back? Share it on our social media channels, it will surely resonate in other women J
During the event, Alejandro Gil Carrasco will be applying the 'graphic recording' technique by visually capturing the key thoughts and ideas of speakers and participants.
#PWIBrussels #yourpath #careerchange #daretodo
The meeting is open to members and non-members
PWN Global MEMBERS: €20
Fees cover a part of the logistic costs, and can be made by Paypal.
Credit card payments are encouraged and can be made by Paypal. For this a Paypal account is not required.
Or payment can be made by Bank transfer, details below
Bank details:
IBAN: BE87 7310 3399 1094
Pre-registration compulsory before 12 November 2017.
Cancellations should be sent to yourpath@pwi.be
No-shows or cancellations after 12 November 2017 will be invoiced.
*** The image right is protected by Article 10 of the Belgian law on copyright and related rights. As part of PWI - Professional Women International Brussels' events we estimate that there is a tacit agreement to publish the participants' images on our website, unless explicitly indicated ***
Stay tuned for information on our forthcoming events ...