Kick-off: Your Path Sharing Circle

Creating Co-Developed Career Choices Circle
· Would you like to learn from your own peers?
· Are you looking for a supportive and collaborative approach to face personal and professional challenges?
· Do you want to help and be helped through structured exercises?
Then join us for our third wave Your Path Sharing Circle! Sharing Circles are closed sessions among peers to help each other grow and succeed. They are scheduled for every fourth Tuesday of the month. The PWI Brussels Your Path Sharing Circle is a part of the PWI Brussels Your Path programme.
Sharing Circles help PWI Brussels’ members thrive in their professional growth by using a peer to peer co-development approach. Sharing Circles are the place where women gather to learn new ways of speaking, listening and relating to others. By participating, you will be contributing at the same time to your personal development and through the story telling process to the development of other women. It is a win–win process where participation is equal and all attendees will benefit from the supportive and authentic nature of the circle itself.
What you will get from your Circle:
· Five 2-hour Circles - group sessions that combine training and peer-to- peer coaching
· Access to a private Facebook or LinkedIn group for exchange between and after Circle sessions.
Before engaging in the 5 sessions, the kick-off event will be an opportunity for participants to learn about the programme before joining the closed group of “Sharing Circle”.
The kick-off event is open to everyone, but only members of PWI Brussels are eligible to participate in the sessions. Please note that places are limited and only 8 participants will be able to register. For each circle, there will be 2 sessions where 2 participants will be on the "hot seat". Registrations are on a first-come, first-served basis, so register early.
The Your Path Sharing Circle dates are:
17 March
28 April
26 May
30 June
14 July-Closing session
Mark them now in your agenda and don't forget to register to Kick-off Event on 25 February 2020.
What previous participants say about the Circle co-development:
“I would strongly support the idea of offering the Sharing Circles again. In general the sessions provided me with a broader knowledge and understanding at personal and professional level: At personal level it helped me to open my mind and understand that I'm not alone. When I was in the hot seat, I thought it was going be a 'light' session, but actually was not! I left the sessions feeling that a new journey has started in my life and I'm committed to go through it. I felt more equipped with how to move forward and next steps. I'm also using the skills that we learned in my work e.g. the GROW model, the open questions.”
“It was an interesting experience to step in a safe space of self-care and shared-care.”
“It was the first time when I could talk about difficulties in my working environment without being afraid. Ladies have created safe space without judgments where ideas and problems were discussed in an open-mind manner. The biggest advantage for me was that I could look at my problem from 6 different angles. I also received a lot of good tips and suggestions as well as a plenty of positive energy.”
Get a feel for the power of co-development and Sharing Circles from Giulia's testimonial here!
If you have any questions on the event please contact:
Ana (0476 500406) | Feyza (0475 229453)
Please be advised that photographs will be taken at this event for use on the PWI Brussels website and in the press, PWI Brussels marketing materials, and other publications. By attending this event, you consent to PWI Brussels photographing and using your image and likeness.