Our Inner Circle:
An invitation to connect during this critical time

We hope you are doing fine during these uncertain times. We miss you, and we want to stay connected!
According to a study conducted by the Kellogg School of Management, one crucial ingredient that women need from their networks is a close inner circle of women to provides critical information on how to approach opportunities and challenges.
As we all physically distance ourselves and move our work, learning and socialization online, we want to make sure the key ingredient of connection continues.
We want to invite our members and friends to check-in, have a drink together, and re-discover and tap into the inspiration and insight of our network!
Join us for a series of The Inner Circle Virtual Happy Hour, weekly virtual sessions among peers to help each other survive and grow during these critical times.
They are scheduled for every Thursday, until May 7, with a different theme for each session.
Prepare a drink at home, join our Zoom session and put on your camera, and we will provide the topic to inspire connections and ideas.
The theme of this Thursday 7th May is Becoming Friends WITH Fear with Kyla Mitsunaga for a lunch and learn session.

Kyla Mitsunaga is a Certified Global Happiness Coach/Women’s Empowerment Coach, Certified Theta Healing® Practitioner, Award-Winning Professor/Founder of The Happiness Workshop and her own company WITH Warriors LLC. She realized her true calling and passion when she won her first teaching award at Harvard. In 2012, she was invited to be a TED@Seoul speaker. She turned her TED Talk title WITH vs AT into a book (in both Korean and English) and most recently global retreats. She has gone on to win several teaching awards at Yonsei University where she also created and taught the first Happiness Workshop which went from 40 students to 500 students in just one semester. She has delivered innovative and dynamic corporate workshops as well as practiced one-on-one coaching all over the globe. She was recently invited to be on the Forbes Coaches Council (an invite only organization for successful business and career coaches) and was voted top “51 most fabulous global happiness leaders” by HRD World Congress.
SPECIAL GIFT FOR THIS SESSION : the participants will have the possibility to win a signed book WITH vs AT (Eng.) from Kyla Mitsunaga!
For each virtual happy hour session:
- We will check-in on how you are all doing during the lock-down – sharing our fears, opportunities we see and what we are grateful for.
- Have brainstorm breakout sessions to deepen discussions and mine for helpful tips and ideas.
- And generally, we will continue to deepen what we know of each other, share what we are learning, and have fun together!
Both members & friends are of PWI Brussels are invited to participate in the sessions. Join one or all, based on what your interest and availability permits.
If you have any questions on the event please contact:
Anaida (President@PWI.be)