The Contessa Factor
Come along and join the PWI team and other like-minded professional women for a drink and some finger foods!
Our guest speaker, Luisa Rasiej, will introduce us to the contessa factor.
The Contessa Factor: confidence and feminine success strategies for busy professional women
Although women have made great strides in the workplace and in the social arena, statistics show that they report more and more disillusionment and their "happiness" level has been in steady decline. In order to experience success, it is imperative that women learn how to leverage their innate and unique feminine power and create a life on their own terms.
From this introduction, you will learn:
- what it takes to achieve personal leadership, so you can experience success in all areas of your life
- how to realize your strengths in the workplace and make an impact with your presence
- why "balancing it all" does not work
- some simple steps you can take right away to powerfully connect to your relevant and effective self
Our Speaker: Luisa Rasiej
Luisa Rasiej is the founder and CEO of Inner Contessa LLC. An author, speaker and mentor she has guided women for more than 15 years to powerful breakthroughs to claim their feminine power. She has worked with women in Germany, Italy, Japan and the US to move beyond blocks and step into leadership. She shares her unique transformational process as part of her mission to help all women experience a joyful life she calls "La Dolce Vita!" A native Italian, Luisa also leads exclusive retreats to Tuscany. She lives in New York.
Participation & how to reserve
The networking drink is open to members and non-members.
TIME: 18:30 - 21:30
VENUE: Bd Saint-Michel, 47
1040 Etterbeek Brussels Click here for map
Closest Metro : Montgomery
Plenty of parking available in the street after 18:00
PAYMENT: Members: €20
Non-members: €30
Pre-registration and pre-payment (preferably via PayPal)
compulsory by 7 October 2012:
ING 363-0307521-71
IBAN: BE49 3630 3075 2171 - BIC: BBRUBEBB
No-shows or cancellations after registration deadline will be invoiced - cancellations should be sent to (events@pwi.be).
Stay tuned for information on our forthcoming events ....