Your Dynamics In Spiral

(Re)discover & (re)write the path of your life!
● in which stage of my life am I now?
● what are my deep values?
● where abouts is my evolution in connection with that of humanity?
● what sort of insights and new awareness can help me?
PWI Brussels Your Path is warmly inviting you to co-create an interactive program to better understand the (r)evolutions in your private and professional life.
“Your Dynamics in Spiral” is a process consisting of 8 sessions during which the participating women will go, session after session, through the 8 stages of personal development individually. Collectively, they will advance in a respectful, benevolent and supportive atmosphere. Each session will be facilitated using collective intelligence, participatory generative interactive tools and activities. The space will be held by a professional coach.
Why dynamics in spiral? What’s at the heart of our dynamics? What are some of the paradigm's life faces us with? What strategies can support/help us?
Program Structure:
❖ Session 1: 16/11/21 #1 Level or stage 1
❖ Session 2: 21/12/21 #2 Level or stage 2
❖ Session 3: 18/01/22 #3 Level or stage 3
❖ Session 4: 15/02/22 #4 Level or stage 4
❖ Session 5: 15/03/22 #5 Level or stage 5
❖ Session 6: 19/04/22 #6 Level or stage 6
❖ Session 7: 17/05/22 #7 Level or stage 7
❖ Session 8: 21/06/22 #8 Level or stage 8
❖ Celebrations: Date to be decided mutually.
The “Your Dynamics in Spiral” dates are on the 3rd Tuesday of the month* and all the sessions are conducted virtually on ZOOM. Mark them now in your agenda!
The program is free of charge. There is a fee of 110€ for the official online Spiral Dynamics assessment.
Only members of PWI Brussels are eligible to participate in the sessions. Please note that places are limited to 15 participants plus the two PWI volunteers.
Registration dead-line Friday 16/11/21.
III) Farewell get together:
Celebrations session:Evaluation & Feed-back. A session to visualize the global picture of all the steps along the path. Celebration time!
IV) Approach and Tools:
Each session will be facilitated using collective intelligence, participatory generative interactive tools and activities. Collectively, you will advance in a respectful, benevolent and supportive atmosphere.
V) What you will get from the “Your Dynamics in Spiral”:
● Ten 2-hour intense sessions on concepts and practical exercises.
● Facilitated by a professional coach and Spiral Dynamics certified practitioner Ana Escarpenter
● Moving together, all participants at the same time, from one stage to the next one, unfolding individual and group transitions.
● Exchange between participants on a voluntary basis for group support.
Get a feel for the impact of Your Dynamics in Spiral from last year participant’s testimonials.
"Within a fun, open and constructive group atmosphere, get a better grasp of what you thrive for in life!" Irene Personne
"I deeply value the time Ana spent with us and how she helped us get a better understanding about ourselves. Ana gave us practical information on how to be more empathetic, how to be an active listener and how to cope with difficult situations in every day." Konstantina
"Ana is a great coach and facilitator. She makes sure that everyone feels safe and can express themselves. The combination with Ash worked perfectly, they complement each other really well. There was a good mix of theory and exchanging with the others, where the discussions also contributed to the further learning experience. My favorite part was the buddy exchange sessions though. That is when you can dive deeper in the different levels and discuss and learn from each other, which then led to more interesting discussions in the wider group in the next session." Daniele Karleskind
“Reflecting on my personal life and potential future activities for a while now, I learned about the Spiral Dynamics fundamentals via Ana as we are both part of the PWI network. Interested in personal and social change, I joined the YDiS workshop led by Ana.
A two-hour online session due to COVID restrictions every month. Fantastic journey. Ana is immediately putting you at ease, very sensitive and open to the energies that the group and its dynamic transpires. She managed in the first session to install a safe a secure environment for trust growing every time we met. She respects our limits and our own pace. Well-prepared, due to the pandemic, she juggled with the technological tools to create the best online experience possible.
Ana is quite a confident, caring, encouraging, respect for self and others coach. She is creative and highly dynamic and transmits very naturally those vibes.
One of her assets, I believe, is that with her multicultural background she is curious and makes her coaching interesting. I am learning about myself and introduced to literature I wasn’t used to read.I can’t wait for the next and unfortunately last session to take place.” Véronique
VI) VENUE: The 8 sessions will be conducted on ZOOM. The link will be provided one day before the session starts.
Looking forward to meeting you and (re)discovering & (re)writing the path of life together!
If you have any questions on the event please contact:
Ana Escarpenter (0476 500406) | Ashrefunisa Shaik (049 3979101)