EU quotas for Women on Boards
We are pleased to invite you for the first combined Amsterdam/Brussels webinar on EU Quota for Women on Boards in cooperation with the University of Maastricht in Brussels.
The draft programming in Brussels is as follows:
7:30 to 8 pm: Welcome by Armelle Loghmanian (President PWI Brussels) and University of Maastricht; Networking with coffee and sandwiches
8 to 9 pm: Webinar together with Rosalinda van der Vlies with Q&A from the audience in Amsterdam/Brussels
The webinar is organised by the working group Women in Economic Decision Making Roles that facilitated a member’s survey on EU Quota as well as the EPWN Amsterdam statement during the public consultation in May 2012. You can find the link below to these documents:
▪ Members Survey
▪ EPWN Amsterdam Statement to the Public Consultation
We hope this workshop will give you the chance to interact, ask questions and express your opinions so that a dialogue can start in Belgium about the implications of wider participation and representation of Women in Economic Decision-Making.
We would like to extend our special thanks to the University of Maastricht for providing the location and refreshments for this event.
If you can’t join the workshop you have the opportunity to listen at home. In that case you can register for the webinar separately.
Our Speaker: Rosalinde Van Der Vlies
Keynote speaker of the webinar will be Rosalinda van der Vlies, Deputy Head of Unit Equal Treatment Legislation at the European Commission. Rosalinda is leading the public consultation of Vivane Reding on EU Quota for Women on Boards across many European countries with stakeholders including governments, businesses and women’s associations. We look forward to hearing about the results of the public consultation and its implications for the future.
Participation & how to reserve
The Webinar is open to members.
TIME: 19:30 - 21:00
VENUE: Maastricht University Campus
Avenue de l'Armée 10,
1040 Etterbeek Brussels Click here for map
Closest Metro : Montgomery
Plenty of parking available in the street after 18:00
Pre-registration compulsory by 13 October 2012:
Stay tuned for information on our forthcoming events ....
October 18th is PWI 21st anniversary party . Save the date and come to an unforgettable event , hosted by PWI with key note speakers among the most successful female top executive of Belgium and Diplomatic members of the EU!