Contributing Partners

Are you interested in collaborative business-development? Do you enjoy connecting with other “Contributors”? Are you motivated by solving problems, taking care of clients/colleagues, meaningful work? Are you interested in partnering with non-profit/social enterprises?
Contributing Partners is a new Brussels-based initiative (Non-profit) that actively promotes partnership and alliances as a practical response to a tough economy:
- Business benefits: reduced marketing cost, greater agility in the marketplace, harnessing diverse talents, faster speed to market, greater reach, better results
- Human benefits: connection with others, meaningful work, energy and sense of purpose
- Society benefits: support to professionals in transition, innovation, capacity-building
Sadly, over 90% of partnerships fail, which represents a lot of wasted effort. However, alliances that succeed usually generate spectacular results. Improving the success rates to even one-in-two represents an enormous benefit, a real advantage in a tough economy.
PWI is partnering with this initiative.
More info :
18:00 Welcome, introduction of CP guidelines and group leaders
18:30 Split into four focus-groups: (Bizdev, Leadership, Non-Profit and Career-Transition)
19:15 Report back (7 mins for each group)
19:45 General discussion and socialising
20:30 Finish
Participation & how to reserve
The event is open tomembers and non-members.
18:00 - 20:30
Quaker House,
Square Ambiorix 50
B-1000 Brussels (click for map)
Pre-registration before 10 March 2013: