This is a great read to go with your morning coffee or tea. And let's face it it could revolutionise the world. Women being able to choose when they have babies.
Defying church teachings was difficult, Melinda Gates adds, but also came to seem morally necessary. Otherwise, she says, “we’re not serving the other piece of the Catholic mission, which is social justice.”
Right now, she points out, 100,000 women annually die in childbirth after unintended pregnancies.
Six hundred thousand babies born to women who didn’t want to be pregnant die in the first month of life.
“She is somebody who really sees this as a public-health necessity,” says Melanne Verveer, the United States ambassador at large for global women’s issues. “I think she believes, and I hope she is right, that people of different political persuasions can come together on this issue.”
“This is about empowering women to be educated and to make a choice that they want to make,” Melinda Gates says.
For reproductive-health advocates, this is terrific news. For some conservatives, though, it will likely seem almost dystopian. For some parts of the Catholic Church it is more than distasteful.