Back to PWI Magazine - Spring 2011
President's Welcome
Dear members and friends of PWI,
Today, after almost 6 years, I have the great pleasure of handing over the association to a newly elected PWI president and board.
Since its creation in 1991, Professional Women International Brussels has been quite unique in its effort to promote talent and sharing among senior and high potential business women, in a culture of openness, true diversity and inclusiveness for ladies of all origins.
Leading such a vibrating and dynamic network has been a truly energizing and rewarding experience.
It’s no wonder then that PWI could steadily deliver such high paced and intense program through the years. Or is it?
Between January 2006 and today, PWI welcomed more than 50 Belgian and international male and female speakers – among whom Margot Wallström, former European Commission’s Vice-President and Annemie Neyts, MEP – and hosted more than 70 events and workshops in Brussels.
Each year, hundreds of participants have been weaving thousands of connections at all levels: in Brussels, through Europe’s major business cities and throughout the world in a fun, spontaneous and energizing atmosphere. Not bad for a handful of volunteers!
Today more than ever before, women are gaining access to higher responsibilities and are given the chance to lead and shape the future of their companies and societies.
I do believe that networks like PWI, EuropeanPWN or TIAW have played their role in the evolution of mentalities, even among women, by offering a dialogue environment where members could exchange experiences, raise influence and awareness and by providing access to mentors, role models and development opportunities while allowing best practices to be spread.
PWI’s accomplishments have only been possible thanks to the inspired and passionate work of current and past board and team members. It’s been a privilege building this community together through the years.
So thank you, members and friends of PWI, for the long-standing support and encouragements and join me in welcoming Armelle Loghmanian as the new president of PWI Brussels!
Time now to discover our brand new “PWI Magazine – Spring edition”, entirely created by PWI’s past editor and new PWI Secretary General: Alessandra Zocca.
Enjoy the reading!
Yours sincerely,
Cristina Vicini
PWI President (2006- 2011)
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