A Woman with a Dream

29 Oct 2013 18:07 | Armelle Loghmanian

 A Woman with a Dream  

Interview by Alessandra Zocca


Francesca del Nero
Founder and Managing Director of “School for Dreamers”
Francesca, I would like to ask you about two books you have published which are written by Prof. Stefano D’Anna: “The School for Gods” and “A Dream for the World”.
What are the similarities between the two books and what are their key messages?

There are two seemingly different stories, but the subjects covered are the same in both books by Stefano D' Anna, i.e. responsibility, mea culpa, fear, "Dream ". These are just some of the topics analyzed under the lens of two different lives, the lives of two different men, but both pursuing their own Dream.

Here are the main similarities and differences between these two books:

It is a philosophical novel that triggers a thought shift. A book that has literally changed the lives of many readers from every corner of the planet. We have several extraordinary stories from people who have read the book.
  • The second book by Prof. Stefano D’Anna << A Dream for the World >> is the biography of a great entrepreneur - George Koukis (http://www.schoolfordreamers.com/adreamfortheworld_eng.html) who has shown in practice that the success of a large firm is related to the ethics and Integrity of the leader. 
The longevity and prosperity of a company are inextricably linked to the Integrity of the leader, indeed the "ROI, the financial indicator, has to be seen as Return on Integrity rather than Return on Investment."
This book is wrapped around the metaphor of a “Dream for Humanity”, which is the core of the book. Prof. Stefano D’Anna sounds very inspiring in his statement (scheme below):

 <<… If we could penetrate into an atom of lead and remove three protons from its nucleus, it would turn into an atom of gold. 
The difference between an atom of lead and an atom of gold, in their respective atomic number, is only three protons. One is 82, the other is 79. There is a “humanity 82”, heavy, dark, unworthy like an atom of lead and there is a “humanity 7”9, shiny, incorruptible like an atom of gold. 
An atom of lead is already an atom of gold. It's only three protons heavier. The transmutation of lead into gold, the epic transition from mass to individual: that's what the Dream for the World is all about. 
This is the solution, the healing from all evil. It could appear light years away from us but this Dream is only three protons away.

A “Dream for the World” is the vision of a psychological revolution
capable of freeing humanity from fear, negative emotions and
destructive thinking
 – the three protons in excess we need to get rid of.
The evolution of man is only three protons away.
We can make it…
Prof. Stefano D’Anna
 I truly invite you to watch the video illustrating the metaphor of the book << A Dream for the World >>:

Francesca, what do you mean with the word “Dream”? I see that you called your educational system a “School for Dreamers”.

What is the Dream? It would be better to call it the “Art of Dreaming”. Alessandra, I will make an example for you where you can recognize patterns or phases which characterize the art of dreaming:

  • Phase one - If you express a powerful idea, a dream and people laugh at it, declaring it’s impossible and you’ll never succeed, just rub your hands in glee. This is the first indicator that you are on the right path and your dreamer’s career just took off. 

  • Phase two - When people see that you are serious, that you trust yourself enough to bet your life on your dream, they will begin to place obstacles on your path. Once again rub your hands. It means you are on the right path, getting closer to your goal.

  • Phase three - The last phase starts when people say ironically: “Great deal! What does he/she think he/she has achieved? Anybody could have done that and better than he/she has”. 
    At this stage a dreamer knows that the paradigm is complete and the time has come for him to dream the next impossible dream.

Francesca, you're managing a major international project <<The School for Dreamers>> that has radically changed your professional life. Can you please tell us how you came to this decision?

After a career full of satisfaction and success in a merchant bank, it may look strange that I launched myself into this challenge. Actually I did not take this decision rationally, I felt as if I had prepared all my life for this mission, so when it came, I embraced it and it has become my whole professional life.

Please, tell us a little more about your project “the School for Dreamers”: what is the Dream? How have you conceived this initiative and what is its mission? What is the goal you aim to achieve?
Francesca, why do you believe that there is a need for a project like this one?

I have been inspired by the ideas and principles expressed by Prof. Stefano D' Anna, the author of the two books that I published. These principles are at the root of the philosophical concept of the School for Dreamers. Since December 2010 Prof D' Anna has reduced all his commitments in order to devote himself to preparing a new generation of leaders, whom he considers to be the most important strategic resource for the human and economic development of every nation. I was close to him when he carried out a program lasting two months, with 35 young people from 8 different countries.

After that first experience that was crucial for me, I saw the change taking place in those young lives, I fell in love with this transformation and I decided to take the project into my own hands and to create the School for Dreamers project.
I bear the full responsibility for this school which has opened its doors to other dreamers who share the same principles and beliefs. In other words I implement the concepts of Prof. D' Anna through an educational system that has specific and high objectives:
  •  The training approach is based on "removing" (from the Latin "ex - duco ") instead of adding. Removing everything that is superfluous in us, which prevents us from getting rid of the slavery of fear, time and division.

  • The focus is on awareness, awareness of our evolutionary mechanism. The era of complaint, victimization and self-pity is over and the era of responsibility, joy and prosperity has begun.

  • Helping individuals to go off a path already traced where the mechanical nature of thoughts, emotions and actions have acquired a prominent place and where the joy, creativity, intuition and the art of Dreaming have unfortunately been forgotten. It means a turning upside down of the ordinary paradigms. 

Francesca, who is the target audience for the School of Dreamers?

Potentially the School for Dreamers is beneficial to everybody. The target audience of our education program includes:
  • Young people, teenagers and young adults who want to discover their talents and what they are uniquely born for. Young people who are brave enough to do what they love and who develop Integrity as a central quality of their leadership. Have you ever seen, Alessandra, someone succeeding without doing what he/she loves?

  • Adults aiming to develop themselves at a personal level

  • Corporations who look for fresh blood/thinking. Companies and their leaders must begin to become aware of how important it is that the employees who collaborate with them are happy. Every company and organisation is made up of women and men: they are the only real asset, but too often they are ignored and undervalued.

Francesca, what were your first steps in putting in place the School for Dreamers?

To do this I left everything I had built before. With a huge gratitude I left behind me the corporate world where I knew the dynamics, the challenges, the enormous commitment and the success. I left an executive position to start a new professional life as an entrepreneur.

It was not easy to start again after 25 years within a corporation. I can only say that I'd do it again. 

In terms of first steps I asked Prof. D' Anna to become the publisher for Italy. Actually I did not know where to start because my previous experience was in completely different areas of business, but I did it.

If you may disclose them, what are the future plans for your project?

The main plan is the expansion, the enlargement of the School for Dreamers at an international level.
We are now dealing with a small number of people, but I aim to see this number becoming much larger. Diffusing the project means offering a gradually increasing number of individuals the chance to participate in this great adventure: regaining their integrity. The only trip which it is worthwhile to make: the one inside ourselves.
Imagine, Alessandra, a new ruling class led by people with Ethics and Integrity who can “move mountains”, who are able to change the world, this is the essence of the Dream.
I also intend encourage different generations to talk to each other, to make sure that both parents and their children can participate in this training program for Dreamers, so that they reach a higher level of awareness and freedom, and at home they can all speak the same language. This makes me happy. All of this is already happening, it is wonderful!
Last but not least I encourage corporations, entrepreneurs, bankers and opinion leaders to join and support this education program.

What impact has this project had, and is still having, on your personal life?
How different is the way you see things, how have you yourself changed?

After reading the book “The School for Gods”, my life has changed dramatically. I thank Prof D’Anna for having written this masterpiece which I read, I studied and I loved. His messages have entered into my being and I cannot abandon this vision any more. This is the reason why in the very first page of the book you find the inscription "this book is forever".

For a long time I was unconsciously preparing myself for this project. I could say that, since I was an adolescent, I have loved spending time on my own.. Then through the readings and experiences of life I came to this book in which I found all the answers to my questions. I realized that my dream is to make this project happen and to serve humanity.

You have a very active life and three daughters: what is your secret for a work / life balance?

I have three wonderful daughters, I desired three girls and miraculously they arrived. I dreamt them one by one, beautiful and with such a beautiful soul.
I've brought them up as independent and free individuals, and I nurtured them with confidence and gratitude. It has been wonderful to see them growing more and more aware, strong, cheerful and happy. 

I’ve brought them up on my own as many women do, and I am happy to have a good relationship with their father and that they cultivate a healthy relationship with him, with no barriers. I thank my ex-husband who has allowed the development of this intelligent relationship. None of us suffered, on the contrary we have all gained in serenity. A success!

Now they are adults, they have their freedom and I have mine. We love and respect each other deeply. In every crucial moment of their existence I am there for them, always, this is the wealth of our relationship. What is the secret? Love, gratitude and trust.

Is there anything else, Francesca, you would like to share with our readership?

Yes, two years ago I had an operation. This event has not been just the beginning of my inner healing, in fact it was the source of strength to identify my mission. After two years I dare to say that without that experience I would not be here now to carry on this important project of the School for Dreamers.

When we find out what is the “red path” that continues through all of our existence, then there is no longer negativity in any event, everything is what we might need. Of course we must develop awareness in order to understand that any apparent adversity might turn into an opportunity to serve our evolution.

Short Biography

Francesca Romana Del Nero is the founder and Managing Director of School for Dreamers.
Francesca graduated in Law, has expertise in banking marketing. As a Manager in the financial field, she worked in the corporate world for many years and she understands the dynamics and challenges that characterize it.

She left GE Capital in 2010 to gather at her side a team of enthusiastic people around this project aimed at spreading a message of renewal for the individual and for a new economic and social reality.
For a period she also worked for GE Capital Interbanca as a consultant for the Health Ahead program.

She has 3 daughters.

Contact Details

Francesca Del Nero

Founder and Managing Director of “School for Dreamers”


Mob. +39 335247197


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Any views and opinions presented in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of School for Dreamers nor do they constitute a legally binding agreement.

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