The Women's Stats Project

07 May 2012 18:53 | Beverley Sinton

I have just found this so I don't know too much about it.  It is supposed to be  "one of the most complete pictures of the plight of women worldwide. Valerie M. Hudson, a Texas A&M University professor, analyzed information from the WomenStats Project and mapped the data in cooperation with Foreign Policy. Exploring nine factors, including: 
physical security, 
maternal mortality, 
government participation and educational disparity, 
the data visualization corroborates aforementioned findings from the Independent and the Guardian: that Afghanistan is among the worst countries in the world for women, where 87% are illiterate, more than 70% face forced marriages and expectant mothers have a 1 in 11 chance of dying during childbirth. 
There are other areas of concern as well: For example, central and southern Africa appear to have more than a 20%  difference in male and female secondary education level. 
Maternal mortality levels are also shockingly high in the region, with approximately 75% of the continent reporting more than 300 maternal deaths per 100,000 births."

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