PWI Communication Tools
by Alessandra Zocca - Secretary-General of PWI Brussels
Dear All,
Starting from this edition the PWI Magazine will only include featured articles never published before.
This implies that the PWI Magazine will no longer include the following sections, but:
- “Future Events” section has become a new page/tab in our website
- “Spotted by our Members”, “Feedback from our past Events” and “Upcoming Events in Belgium, “Upcoming Women Global Events in Belgium” have been moved to the new PWI Blog (also on our website).
The reason why – as Editor - I made this decision is twofold: we want to focus the PWI Magazine on brand new articles, created on purpose for our readership. It is an opportunity for each PWI Member or friend to write articles or to be interviewed, to express their opinions, to tell us about themselves and their profession.
Secondly, the PWI Magazine is issued on a quarterly basis and this does not allow the quick sharing of information about events or interesting articles on the internet. Therefore we created a new blog and decided to take part in the current most common social media.
Let me, please, take the opportunity to provide you an overall map of the communication media that PWI Brussels has activated:
- New Pages in the PWI Website
- PWI LinkedIn Group
- PWI Twitter
- PWI Facebook
Please, join PWI in the social media!
PWI Website
New EVENTS page

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